How To Find Out If You Have Mono
Alarm Signs You Could Have Mono
What Is It?
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Mononucleosis, or "mono," is a viral infection that can cause flu-like symptoms that normally prove up 4 to 6 weeks after you get it. It'south sometimes called the "kissing affliction" because the virus oftentimes spreads through smooches.
What Causes Information technology?
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The nearly common culprit is the Epstein-Barr virus. But other viruses as well tin requite y'all mononucleosis. Just because you go the virus doesn't mean it will plough into a full-blown case of mono. Many people who are infected, especially small-scale kids, have very few, if any, symptoms.
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You might experience more than tired than usual and have a mild fever and sore throat. Your lymph nodes, tissue that normally acts as filters, may swell nether your arms and in your neck and groin area. You likewise may have body aches and pains, swollen tonsils, headache, and even a skin rash.
Who Gets Information technology?
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Anyone can get mono. But teens and people in their early on 20s are nearly likely to have symptoms serious enough to discover. By and then, even if yous haven't felt sick, you lot almost surely already caught the Epstein-Barr virus. If so, you probably won't become mono again.
How Practice You Get It?
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The virus lives in the spit of someone who has mono. And so you lot tin grab information technology from kissing them, or sharing cups, spoons, and other items. Mono doesn't spread equally hands every bit the common cold, simply y'all could get it through a cough or sneeze if you're nearby. Other bodily fluids, like claret and semen, may as well pass it on.
When Is It Contagious?
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When y'all're sick, for sure. Merely y'all also can give mono to someone fifty-fifty earlier y'all know you lot take information technology. That's because the virus may incubate for 4 to seven weeks before you lot observe any signs. Fifty-fifty then, yous may not recognize it equally mono because your symptoms may not all happen at once. Some studies testify yous can pass on the virus for as long equally 18 months after you recover.
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Tell your physician about all your symptoms and if you've had mono before. They'll examine you, possibly checking your lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, and liver for swelling. This is usually enough to diagnose it, though in some cases you might need a blood test for Epstein-Barr antibodies, unusual white blood jail cell activity, or changes in the way your liver works.
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Neither antibiotics (which fight bacteria) nor antiviral drugs work against mono. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help with headache, fever, and torso aches, but there are no medications that tin can cure or even shorten your bout of illness. Never give aspirin to a child sick from mono or whatsoever other virus because it can cause a serious condition chosen Reye'south syndrome that tin can damage the liver.
What You Can Do
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Information technology's important to rest, peculiarly early on, when you feel the worst. That may assist prevent complications and keep y'all from feeling sicker. Beverage lots of water and other liquids to proceed your body hydrated. Ice pops and other icy foods can relieve your sore pharynx, and information technology tin can help to gargle with saltwater solution several times a day. With plenty of rest and fluids, most cases aren't serious and get better within a few weeks.
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There's no vaccine for mono. If someone you know has it, don't lock lips with them! To be actually safe, wait several days later the person no longer has symptoms, especially fever. Launder your hands regularly, and avert sharing nutrient, drinks, and personal items like toothbrushes. There's not much else you can practice to terminate yourself from getting the virus. That's why 95% of Americans have information technology in their system past the time they're adults.
No Roughhousing
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One possible symptom of mono is an enlarged spleen. This makes it easier to break open, causing hurting and bleeding inside your body that could require emergency surgery. Then stay abroad from contact sports similar football and vigorous activities like weightlifting, tumbling, or roughhousing with friends. Doctors commonly recommend you await at least a month after symptoms are gone.
Other Complications
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Mono can inflame your liver and cause jaundice that yellows your skin and the whites of your eyes. Less ofttimes, it tin can inflame the centre muscle (myocarditis), cause clotting problems, infect the nervous system (meningitis, Guillain-Barre), and make your carmine claret cells drop (anemia). Sometimes, tonsils tin can become so swollen that they make it hard to breathe. Talk to your md if you notice any of these signs.
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